Zodiac sign

The hobby that fits your zodiac sign

Now that we’re at home more often and have more free time, we start looking for new hobbies. Curious which hobby suits you? I figured it out with a little help from the stars! Aquarius You can put everything in a journal: new ideas, important tasks, personal thoughts. By writing everything off, you’ll be able… Continue reading The hobby that fits your zodiac sign

Zodiac sign

Your zodiac sign tells you which snack is your favourite!

Everyone snacks sometimes (that’s human after all). That means we all have a snack that we love to eat. But did you know that your horoscope tells you which snack is your (actual) favourite? Not? Well, then you’ll find out today! Aquarius: lollipop You’re very rebellious. A lollipop in your mouth is often not very… Continue reading Your zodiac sign tells you which snack is your favourite!

Zodiac sign

What your eyes should look like according to your zodiac sign

We all have unique eyes. A different eye shape, a different eye colour. No eye is the exact same. However, according to your zodiac sign, everyone having the same one should also have the same features of the eyes. I guess we’ll find out today if that’s really true! So, let’s take a look. See… Continue reading What your eyes should look like according to your zodiac sign

Zodiac sign

Your zodiac sign tells you which country you’ll visit once Covid is gone

I for one hate the fact that I can’t travel to the countries I want to go to, thanks to Covid. Now, I’ve got clear in mind where I want to travel, but I can imagine some don’t know, seeing as they couldn’t make plans and pushed it further away. And even if you do… Continue reading Your zodiac sign tells you which country you’ll visit once Covid is gone

Zodiac sign

Your favourite thing about Christmas according to your zodiac sign

Most people truly love Christmas with everything you can think of. Some others don’t or only partly. Some can’t decide what they love more about Christmas, so why not let your zodiac sign tell you what your biggest love is? I say we dig in to find out! Aquarius You love the freezing weather. You’re… Continue reading Your favourite thing about Christmas according to your zodiac sign

Zodiac sign

Your zodiac sign tells you what your Christmas decoration vibe is

Some love decorating their houses, others don’t. I myself have no decorations whatsoever, but maybe you do. And if you’re not sure yet what to pick, let your zodiac sign decide it for you! Aquarius You’re rather selfless, focused more on giving than receiving. You’ll do whatever it takes to ensure the happiness of your… Continue reading Your zodiac sign tells you what your Christmas decoration vibe is

Zodiac sign

Picking a drink at Starbucks? Your zodiac sign will tell you your order!

I myself don’t drink coffee and therefore don’t go to Starbucks (I know they’ve got tons of other drinks, but it’s just not my to-go-to). Anyway, Starbucks told their customers which drink one should order in comparison with your zodiac sign traits. So, let’s take a look at it, shall we? Aquarius You’re original, creative… Continue reading Picking a drink at Starbucks? Your zodiac sign will tell you your order!

Series · Zodiac sign

Your zodiac sign tells you which series you should binge watch

I’ve done multiple zodiac sign related posts on my blog, but this one is something different. It’s hard to tell which series a person likes, moreover which ‘suits’ them. But, there’s apparently some sort of ‘studies’ that tells you which 2 series fit your zodiac sign to binge watch. Well, I say we dive into… Continue reading Your zodiac sign tells you which series you should binge watch