
These are the great health benefits of watermelon

The watermelon season starts in June, but what are the health benefits of this summer fruit? Let’s see if we can figure this out together, and enjoy some of this fruit to our full contend! In the summer, many people eat watermelon and that’s very smart. Watermelon contains a lot of water, which keeps your… Continue reading These are the great health benefits of watermelon

Healthy · Recipes

Ways to get a good portion of fruit and vegetables during your breakfast

Do you find it difficult to consume 250 grams of vegetables and two pieces of fruit every day? Then try out the following breakfasts to help you out! Smoothies aren’t only a tasty start to the day. It’s a healthy way to get fruits and vegetables in the morning. Put some leafy vegetables (such as… Continue reading Ways to get a good portion of fruit and vegetables during your breakfast

Tips & Tricks

You can easily remove cherry stains from clothing with these methods

Cherries are a perfect snack in summer. One disadvantage: there’s a huge risk of acquiring stains. Fortunately, there are tricks with which you can easily remove those stains! Ammonia is one of the best methods of removing cherry stains. Always remove the flesh from your garment first. Then you can wash it with lukewarm soapy… Continue reading You can easily remove cherry stains from clothing with these methods

Tips & Tricks

Tips to keep your strawberries fresh for as long as possible

The strawberry season is open. Finally, you can buy sweet, tasty strawberries again for a semi-normal price. But how do you make sure they stay fresh for as long as possible? I’ll tell you how! The first tip is to leave the crowns on the strawberry. This keeps them fresh for longer and prevents the… Continue reading Tips to keep your strawberries fresh for as long as possible


These are the (slightly less well-known) health benefits of plums

Not the most popular type of fruit, but the plum provides a lot of health benefits. Which ones? I’m glad you asked! Let us dive into the health benefits of this slightly forgotten fruit! Do you sometimes have trouble going to the toilet? A plum contains a lot of fiber, which reduces constipation complaints. The… Continue reading These are the (slightly less well-known) health benefits of plums


The reasons why you should eat cherries more often!

I love fruit. It’s healthy, delicious, and super refreshing for the upcoming summer! Cherries are a huge source of vitamins and minerals. These are the six different health benefits of cherries! Antioxidants It’s often said that the darker the colour of the fruit, the healthier it is. This is also true for cherries. Cherries get… Continue reading The reasons why you should eat cherries more often!

Article · Healthy

What happens to your body when you eat a banana every day?

Did you know that bananas are the most eaten food in the world after rice, grain, and corn? With that, there are many more things you should know about bananas. They’re particularly healthy, and I have listed the most important health benefits for you! Bananas contain a lot of potassium, a mineral that plays an… Continue reading What happens to your body when you eat a banana every day?