Healthy · Tips & Tricks

Healthy snacks to bring in your lunchbox

Preparing a healthy lunch filled with nutrients is a great way to get you through your day at work or school. I, therefore, have a couple of healthy and fairly easy ones for you!

  1. Unroasted and unsalted nuts

Nuts have several healthy properties that come in handy. Consider, for example, walnuts. Walnuts contain a lot of magnesium, which makes them very good for your brain. Cashew nuts are high in iron, magnesium, zinc, and antioxidants. This nut is good for your nervous system. One handful of nuts ensures that you get enough energy and feel full for a while.

2. Soup

This snack or meal requires some preparation, but it’s a lot of fun. Make a large cauldron of vegetable soup at home and divide it into containers. If you’re going to eat the soup within a few days, you can keep the soup bowls in the fridge. Take a container with you and keep it in the fridge. Warm up the soup during your break and eat a whole wheat breadstick or a cracker with it.

3. Vegetable wrap

You can get vegetable wraps almost everywhere these days. Top it with, for example, salmon, (vegetarian) chicken breast, cottage cheese, and cucumber. Or use my very own recipe!

Free Tuna Salad on Transparent Lunch Pack Stock Photo

4. Overnight oats

Do you ever eat oatmeal? Then you could also try overnight oats. The night before, put some oatmeal in a bowl with your favourite milk or water. Then you put the bowl in the fridge so the oatmeal can soak overnight. The next day you can eat it right away (or take it with you and put it in the fridge). Optionally, add some fruit and/or nuts and seeds.

5. Vegetables and fruit

Do you often feel a bit peckish between breaks? Then bring some extra fruits and vegetables. Think, for example, of snack tomatoes, snack carrots, olives, and radishes. Are you more of a sweet tooth? Then choose apples with cinnamon, a piece of dark chocolate, or a bowl of berries.

Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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