
Reasons why walking 30 minutes a day is good for you

You may not feel like exercising every day, even I understand that. A thirty-minute walk is, therefore, a great alternative. What the advantages are of that? Well, I’m glad you asked!

  1. Better circulation

Taking a walk makes your heart rate rise and ultimately ensures that your heart becomes stronger. Your blood pressure will also drop for this reason and the risk of a heart attack will also decrease.

2. More energy

If you’re feeling listless and tired, you may think you don’t have the energy for a walk. Still, a walk provides more energy. You’ll breathe more deeply, allowing more oxygen to flow through your body.

3. Better mood

When you’re tired, your mood is often not optimal. A thirty-minute walk can improve your mood by making your body release natural endorphins. Endorphins ensure that your resistance is increased and you’re less sensitive to pain. In addition, you feel happier, and feelings of anxiety decrease. If you have the choice, choose a wooded area. The green environment will completely relax your mind.

Free Two People Walking in the Forest Stock Photo

4. Increases alertness

Several studies have shown that a short walk can increase your alertness and improve your cognitive skills. In addition, such a walk can boost your memory.

5. Improved mobility

Simply put, the more you move, the better you can move. There are several body parts that you need to train repeatedly to get them to work optimally. The cartilage of your joints depends on the fluid in the joints for nutrients. By moving, more oxygen gets to the cartilage, making your joints more flexible and you can move more easily.

Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

16 thoughts on “Reasons why walking 30 minutes a day is good for you

  1. I find I like walking everywhere because I don’t know how to drive. It takes longer but atleast I get to enjoy the view and my own company. Nice to be alone with my own thoughts then it’s back to the chaotic house

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I could never walk to school or work for I live too far away from both, but I do park my car in places where I have to walk for a bit before classes and my shift start. And thus, at the end of the day, walk back


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