
These are the great health benefits of watermelon

The watermelon season starts in June, but what are the health benefits of this summer fruit? Let’s see if we can figure this out together, and enjoy some of this fruit to our full contend!

  1. Hydration

In the summer, many people eat watermelon and that’s very smart. Watermelon contains a lot of water, which keeps your body well hydrated and thus allows all bodily functions to be performed properly. Because watermelon consists largely of water, this type of fruit also contains relatively few calories. Fine nutrients that you’ll find in watermelon include: magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin A and potassium. Furthermore, watermelon contains l-citrulline, which is important for transporting oxygen to your muscles.

2. Skin health, muscle soreness and inflammation

Vitamin A and vitamin C have a positive effect on the health of your skin. In addition, the amino acid l-citrulline may reduce muscle pain. The combination of vitamin C, lycopene and antioxidants is said to have a positive effect on inflammation and could help against oxidative stress.

3. Lower blood pressure

Watermelon, as well as other fruits and vegetables, has lycopene, a naturally occurring antioxidant. The chemical gives watermelon its red colour, but it also lowers the risk of cancer and heart disease. Lycopene protects your cells from harm, and studies suggest that it may lower blood pressure. Lycopene may help lower inflammation, which is good because persistent inflammation is a known cause of illness risk. Specifically, increasing your lycopene intake may lower your risk of stomach and prostate cancers.

4. Healthy digestion

Watermelon includes a lot of water and very little fibre. Both are essential for keeping digestion running smoothly. Fibre bulks up your stool and keeps you regular, whilst water helps waste flow through your digestive system.

5. Good for your eyes

Watermelon is also high in nutrients that promote overall eye health and may help avoid age-related vision problems. It’s high in vitamins A and C, as well as lycopene and lutein + zeaxanthin, all of which are important for eye health.

6. Great for your skin

The water and vitamins A, B6, and C in watermelon help your skin stay soft, smooth, and supple. Vitamin C stimulates collagen formation, improving skin suppleness and blood flow to the skin. Vitamin A also aids in the regeneration of skin cells, preventing dry, flaky skin, whilst vitamin B6 aids in the treatment of skin outbreaks. Lycopene can help protect your skin from the sun, reducing the likelihood of getting a sunburn. But that doesn’t mean you should avoid sunscreen; it’s still important to apply your preferred SPF on a frequent basis.

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Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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