Tips & Tricks

Do you have difficulty relaxing? These tips can help

Do you find it difficult to relax or do anything at all? I wish I could say I had this issue, but my issue is rather different: I don’t have time to relax. Anyway, I’ve listed a few useful tips for you in case you need help relaxing!

  1. Agreed times for yourself

If you find it difficult to relax, set times for yourself. Stop working or fulfilling other obligations, and do this even if your work isn’t completely finished. You don’t have to “earn” a moment of relaxation in this way. Even if you do nothing at all for half an hour to an hour and lie on the couch, try to enjoy it.

2. What relaxes you?

What’s relaxing for a friend doesn’t necessarily work for you. Therefore, investigate which activities will give you peace of mind. It may take a while before you have an answer to this. Ask for some tips or search the internet for some inspiration. Does exercise work for you, or do you relax more by reading or exploring nature?

3. Try to rest

If you agree with yourself that you’ll relax on Saturday, there’s a chance that this won’t work out completely. Maybe you spend too much time on your phone or checking your email. These habits can actually cause more unrest: after all, you need to relax. If this sounds familiar, it works better to aim for two hours of doing nothing. No phone at hand; just choose for yourself. After this, you will be available again, and you’ll notice that you’ll relax more in this short time.

4. Take moments of rest during the week

Resting isn’t just for the weekends. Also, try to schedule moments of rest during the week. This means you don’t have to recover as long during the weekend, and you actually take much better care of yourself. Take a half-hour walk with a friend, or treat yourself to a massage or skin treatment. This may be a bit awkward at first, but you’ll find that these activities provide energy and increase your productivity in the long term.

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Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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