Tag · Travel

Travel tag: 25 travel facts

I saw this tag wandering around the internet and thought: why not join in on the bandwagon? You’re supposed to tell 25 fun facts about you travelling. Doesn’t sound that hard, does it? Not to me, so I suggest we get started right away! 1. When I was eight years old, my mum and dad,… Continue reading Travel tag: 25 travel facts


Halloween creatures and the origin of their names

Many different Halloween creatures stalk the streets for trick-or-treating- during Halloween. And so, for the horror-loving (word) nerds among us, these strange and far-flung origins of these monster names might be exactly what you want to know! Witches This word originates from Old English. The earliest one refers to a male practitioner of sorcery and… Continue reading Halloween creatures and the origin of their names