
This food will boost your immune system!

As soon as someone doesn’t feel fit, tired or sick nowadays, they’re afraid they’ll have the virus. But, it’s also the time of year to get sick easily. Anyway, whatever you’re feeling, it’s never a bad idea to boost your immune system! So, let’s take a look on how to do that!

1. Chicken soup

Our ancestors were already eating this when they catch a cold: fresh, homemade chicken soup. Hot liquids like herbal teas and soup make sure that you’ll feel better in no time. This is because of the ‘carnosine’ added to it. This will help your immune system to get rid of the cold. If you want the best result to happen, you should eat a bowl of chicken soup twice a day.

2. Ginger

Ginger is something you either hate or love. Freshly cut ginger is very healthy. It makes sure you sweat in a healthy way, warding off bacteria and infections. Ginger will work against symptoms like: headache, muscle pain, fever, weakness and it’ll help to decrease nausea.

3. Strawberries

There’s a lot of antioxidants added to strawberries, such as vitamin C. Antioxidants help your body to fight against diseases and aging. When you don’t feel fit, you can make a smoothie consisting of strawberries and fresh orange juice. You’ll feel better in no time!

4. Spinach

Spinach is known as ‘super food’, because it’s full of folic acid or vitamin B9). This helps your body with creating new cells. It also consists of vitamin C. If you want to make sure you got all the nutrients, you should eat it raw or slightly cooked.

5. Citrus fruits

Oranges, grapefruit and mandarins are full of vitamin C and antioxidants. Also known as immunity boosts. Vitamin C makes sure you feel better much quicker, after you catch a cold.

6. Broccoli

It has many nutrients that will improve your ‘health resistance.’ This vegetable has vitamin A, C and glutathione.

7. Pure chocolate

It’s full of the healthy mineral called zinc. It’s decreases the risk of getting an infection and stimulates the growth of white blood cells. Though, you should buy the sugar free chocolate.

8. Yogurt

Eat a small bowl of (low-fat) yogurt every day. It’ll decrease your chances of catching a cold.

9. Garlic

Garlic boosts your immune system to the next level. It works as a natural antibiotic, like it does with fungal infections. Garlic has been used for bacteria, fungal, viruses and parasites for a very long time.

10. Oats

Eat oatmeal porridge or overnight oats if you suffer wounds. They’ll heal much faster when you eat this, working like some kind of antibiotic!

11. Nuts and seeds

They contain many nutrients: calcium, selenium, copper, zinc, iron, vitamin E and vitamin B1. The list goes on and on.

12. Carrots

They’re the best source for beta carotene. It’s an antioxidant that turns into vitamin A inside of your body. Eat 10 carrots a day and you’ll get plenty of vitamin A!

13. Mushrooms

Mushrooms contain vitamin B, meaning they’re very important for a good ‘health resistance.’ They promote the production of white blood cells, which help in fighting the infections in your body.

14. Oysters

You need to love eating them, but oysters contain a lot of zinc, which works for a well-functioning immune system. And if you don’t like oysters at all, you can try cheese, chicken or fish.

15. Sweet potato

Sweet potato contain vitamin A, B1, B6 and C. It also contains the minerals magnesium, copper, calcium, potassium, iron and manganese. A pretty full list, helping you to boost your immune system!

How are you feeling? Fit, or not entirely?

Love, Deem ❤

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Images source: Pexels

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