Tips & Tricks

Do you want to create moments for yourself when you live together? Then try these tips

Spending time with your partner is, of course, very nice, and often required. Especially if you’re just moving in together. However, sufficient me-time is also important, and honestly a must to keep the relationship healthy!

  1. Get up earlier

Are you a morning person? Then get up a little earlier every now and then to have a moment for yourself. Drink a cup of coffee, read the newspaper, go for a walk or go for a workout. This way you have already created a nice moment for yourself before the day really starts.

2. Plan your days

If you’re planning for the next few days, schedule some me-time as well. Sometimes you forget that and that can unconsciously cause you restlessness or fatigue. Therefore, reserve an hour (or longer) for yourself here and there.

3. Go for a walk

A walk often gives a huge mental boost and you also have some time for yourself. For example, take a walk after dinner and listen to your favourite podcast in the meantime (or enjoy the silence).

4. Talk with your partner

Not everyone has the same need for time for themselves and that’s why it’s important to talk about this with your partner. What are your needs and how does your partner see this? Find a compromise that you BOTH can agree on.

5. Do the shopping

Some couples like to go shopping together, but you can also make it a moment for yourself. Maybe you like to do this yourself and browse different shops/supermarkets at your leisure.

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Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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