Tips & Tricks

Do you say sorry (a little too) often? Here are tips to reduce this

Do you apologise a little too often and would you like to reduce this? Most of the time, saying sorry often stems from trauma. So, I’m hereby sharing a number of tips that will help you do this a little bit less!

  1. Should you say something at all?

Sometimes the word “sorry” is also used to fill a certain void. For example, you don’t know what to say and therefore quickly say sorry. Try to ask yourself if it’s really necessary to say sorry and if it’s bad if you stay quiet for a while instead? In most cases, the answer to this will be ‘no’.

2. You’re allowed to be seen!

Do you find yourself quick to apologise when nothing is actually wrong? This ‘sorry’ probably has to do with previous negative experiences. You don’t have to say sorry as often and you don’t have to make someone else feel better. You can be seen and you really don’t have to apologise for that. Dare to take up space.

3. Change your message

You can also change the phrase “sorry I kept you waiting” to “thank you for waiting for me.” In this way, you change the message and make both the other person and yourself feel good. You may have to practice with this, but this will definitely pay off.

4. Understand the triggers

Give some thought to the circumstances that lead you to apologise. Do you apologise more to your coworkers at work or to your family and friends? What exactly makes you feel the need to apologise so often? Perhaps you should write in your journal about it.

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Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

18 thoughts on “Do you say sorry (a little too) often? Here are tips to reduce this

  1. I appreciate the reminder that it’s okay to take up space and not feel the need to constantly apologize for existing. It’s a valuable lesson in self-worth and confidence.

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