
These are the health benefits of peanut butter

A thick layer of peanut butter on your sandwich is what most consider delicious. Many people think that this creamy topping is high in fat and therefore unhealthy, but nothing could be further from the truth!

Please note: only 100 percent peanut butter or nut butter without added sugars or salt falls into the healthy category. The Nutrition Center may only call these types of peanut butter ‘healthy spreads’.

  1. Healthy nutrients

Because peanut butter is so creamy, it seems very greasy. That’s true, but peanut butter contains a lot of good fats. For example, 50 percent of all fats are unsaturated ‘healthy’ fats. You need these for a healthy heart and muscles. In addition, 100 grams of peanut butter contains 20 grams of carbohydrates, 6 grams of fiber, and 25 grams of protein. This doesn’t mean that it’s smart to eat an entire jar of peanut butter during a binge. Too much is never good.

2. Good for heart and vessels

A study with more than 70,000 subjects shows that people who regularly eat peanuts or peanut butter are 21 percent less likely to die early. Moreover, another study shows that peanut butter is very good for your heart and vessels.

3. Lower cholesterol

Eating unsalted nuts, including peanuts, will lower your LDL cholesterol. To lower your cholesterol levels, it is important that you eat as little saturated fat as possible. Peanut butter is, therefore, a smart choice, as it contains mainly unsaturated fats. This automatically reduces the risk of heart disease.

4. Vitamins

It may sound a bit crazy, but peanut butter contains a lot of vitamins. I’m talking about vitamin E, vitamin B3, and vitamin B6. This creamy topping also contains magnesium, folic acid, and copper.

5. Good for intestines

Peanut butter also makes your intestines happy. If you suffer from intestinal complaints, it’s wise to eat fiber-rich food. In that case, a whole wheat sandwich with peanut butter is a smart choice.

6. Satisfies hunger

Peanut butter reduces your feeling of hunger. This is due to the calories in the topping. Because of the healthy fats, it’s not a problem to eat a few more of these calories. That’s why many athletes eat a cracker with peanut butter just before training. This way, you’ll quickly feel satisfied, and you can start your workout full of energy.

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Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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