
This way you create more moments of rest and relaxation during the day

Do you have enough moments of relaxation in a day? If not, like me, you might find these tips helpful, because let’s be honest: yes, school and your job are important, but so are you, and your mental health!

  1. Focus on your breathing

Stress and tension cause you to breathe faster and more superficially. This can cause you to experience unpleasant complaints. Therefore, try to become aware of your breathing every now and then. You can do this, for example, through the body scan exercise, where you focus your attention on your body and feel each part of it. You can find examples of this exercise on YouTube.

2. Begin to clean

If your environment is covered in nothing but chaos, this will have a negative effect on your mood. Try to keep your environment neat and clean. You’ll notice that you unconsciously become calmer and find more relaxation. You can start by cleaning out one cupboard or corner, for example. Don’t ask too much of yourself, because then it’ll be quite a task to start organising.

3. Write down emotions

Do you sometimes feel restless at the end of the day? Finally, it’s time to relax, but you can’t relax. Throughout the day, you experience many things that influence how you feel. Therefore, write down as many thoughts and feelings as possible to create more clarity. Feeling and describing your emotions will probably make it easier to relax.

4. Time to yourself

Does your day often start with a race against the clock? This unrest will probably not decrease during the day. Start the day well by creating a moment for yourself first thing in the morning. Do something that gives you energy. Go for a walk, read a chapter from a book, or get a cup of coffee at your favourite coffee shop.

Free From above of crop anonymous female sitting with crossed legs and drinking tea while reading book at weekend Stock Photo

Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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