Zodiac sign

This salad suits you best according to your zodiac sign

Do you enjoy making yourself a delicious salad in this warm weather? If you don’t have any inspiration, make one that suits you best according to your zodiac sign!

  1. Aquarius

Fruit, fruit, and more fruit: that’s what your ideal salad consists of. As an Aquarius, you can have a spicy character, which should be quenched with juicy fruits, such as melon, kiwi, pineapple, grapes, strawberries, and blackberries. This salad is as colourful and fresh as your personality.

2. Pisces

Not very surprising: a fish salad suits you best. A good piece of grilled salmon with fresh vegetables such as lettuce and asparagus is a good choice for you, whether you’re going for lunch or dinner.

3. Aries

You definitely don’t like boring and bland. A salad with lots of herbs and peppers, in combination with fresh cucumber and tomato, is the best for you. A Greek salad, for example, with large chunks of feta.

4. Taurus

A salad full of spinach does you good. Use leaf spinach as a base instead of the much less flavourful iceberg lettuce, and add steak tips, feta, and blueberries. Fresh, flavourful, and filling. Extra dairy for Taurus? Add some blue cheese.

5. Gemini

You’re curious and like to experiment. Make a salad with cabbage, pieces of chicken, avocado, a hard-boiled egg, cheese, bacon, and different types of vegetables. I bet that all your senses will be stimulated by flavours and textures.

6. Cancer

A fish salad naturally goes well with Cancer. Get creative and halve an avocado, scoop out the pit, and fill the hole with a fish that makes you happy, such as salmon or tuna. Add some herbs, and your delicious stuffed avocado ‘salad’ is a fact.

7. Leo

You like a bit of drama as a Leo, so an ordinary salad isn’t for you. Turn the traditional Caesar salad into a party by sprinkling crunchy nuts or seeds over it and adding a drop of hot sauce of your choice.

8. Virgo

As a Virgo, you’re balanced and organised. This is how you prefer to make your salad: with all the flavours that balance and reinforce each other. A salad of couscous, chopped tomato, cucumber, mint, onion, and a clove of garlic will make you happy.

9. Libra

According to astrology, an apple shouldn’t be missing from your menu. A Waldorf salad, therefore, suits you. With pieces of apple, celery, pecans, and mayonnaise, you can create a simple but balanced and fresh salad that you can eat as a meal or lunch.

10. Scorpio

Pluto, your planet, is also the planet of mushrooms. A warm salad of mushrooms and spinach with truffle dressing is therefore completely your thing, according to the stars. Top with watercress and strong gorgonzola.

11. Sagittarius

According to astrology, asparagus and tomatoes are linked to the sign of Sagittarius and therefore the ideal basis for your salad. As a wanderer, you like influences from many different cultures, so experiment with herbs and spices in your favourite salad.

12. Capricorn

Beets and other root vegetables are linked by astrologers to the Capricorn because of their earthy character. A beet salad with quinoa as a base, with a hard-boiled egg, fresh tangerine segments and pomegranate seeds is, therefore, your new favourite.

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Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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