
With these water sports, you burn the most calories

You burn calories during exercise, but is it really fun to wear yourself out in the gym in the middle of summer? As far as I’m concerned, there are much more fun ways to burn calories in the summer months!

  1. Snorkeling

Okay, maybe snorkeling isn’t the nicest outing, but if you’re on vacation it’s definitely worth it. And did you know that snorkeling is also healthy? You burn about 312 calories per hour while spotting the most beautiful fish. By the way, pay close attention to the sun and apply sunscreen well, because your back burns very quickly while snorkeling.

2. Water skiing

When you go water skiing, you use a lot of power. You have to stay upright and therefore tense all your muscles. Are you sufficiently trained and are you able to stand upright for a long time? You can burn up to 500 calories in an hour.

3. Kayaking

Anyone who has ever rowed knows how tough this is. Paddling is therefore the ideal cardio workout and you train your abs along with it. You can burn 400 calories per hour.

4. Swimming

Do you like to swim laps or do you enjoy swimming in open water? Then you’re on the right track because swimming is one of the best workouts for your body. You put a lot of muscles to work and at the same time, it’s a low-impact sport. Perfect if you suffer from injuries. Your shoulders, arms, and abs are trained and you burn 577 calories per hour.

5. SUP

SUPing is often seen as a fun outing, but nothing could be further from the truth: you also burn a lot of calories with it. It’s very good for your upper body and by falling and getting up you also stay active. If you keep up the momentum, you can burn 580 calories in an hour.

Free Photo of a Person Snorkeling Stock Photo

Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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