Tips & Tricks · Travel

Do you always take too much luggage with you on holiday? Try these tips!

It’s not an unknown phenomenon for many. Your suitcase for your planned holiday is always too heavy. So, try these handy tips to try and travel light!

  1. Roll up

Maybe you were already familiar with it but always try to roll up your clothes tightly before putting them in the suitcase. Not only will it save you a lot of space in your suitcase, but your clothes will also be less wrinkled because of this way of folding. Another advantage of rolling your clothes is that you have a better overview of the contents of your suitcase. Everything becomes much clearer.

2. Make combinations

Who doesn’t know it? You start packing your suitcase a little too late and as you walk through your room, you immediately throw in all the clothes you come across. You don’t have a plan and you just do. Shame. By putting together outfits in advance and putting them on your bed, you get a clear overview of the clothes you need to take with you. By doing this, you’ll also be leaving a lot more unnecessary clothes at home and you might even have some room left in your suitcase. Also, don’t bring too many shoes. Opt for flip-flops, sandals, and a pair of sporty sneakers.

Free Brown Leather Duffel Bag Stock Photo

3. Electronics

Charging cables, earplugs/headphones, and a power bank: put all these things in one bag. This prevents unnecessary rummaging in your bag. Put this small bag in your hand luggage. The same goes for passes and passports. Try to put these together in one folder. This way you prevent a lot of unnecessary stress at the airport.

Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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