Tips & Tricks

Started a new job as an introvert? Here are some helpful tips

Are you an introvert and have you recently started a new job? I’m sharing a few tips that will certainly help you make the first few weeks a little easier!

  1. Take your time getting to know people

It’s quite normal not to be yourself in a new environment with people you don’t know. Give yourself time to get to know your colleagues and feel comfortable. However, despite the fact that it feels very scary, it’s good to sometimes approach people yourself and have a chat. Ultimately, this makes it easier for people to come to you and reduces a certain tension.

2. Take your time getting to know the workplace

Let your brain get used to a new environment and take some extra rest and/or breaks in between. It’s important to take good care of yourself and create short moments for yourself. Of course, the first few weeks take a lot of energy, but (short) moments of silence can do a lot (for example, after a presentation or a meeting with colleagues).

3. Ask for help

As an introvert, you often like to pick things up yourself, but don’t hesitate to ask for help. You make it a lot easier for yourself and ultimately your work performance will only improve. Also, don’t forget that many colleagues will actually enjoy helping you.

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Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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