
Clearing out your wardrobe without regrets? This is how you handle it

Have you ever regretted getting rid of a certain shirt while cleaning out your closet? Then you’re not the first who has had this issue. How to do this without feeling those regrets? I’ll tell you how!

  1. Don’t be too hard on yourself

Some existing cleanup methods are quite extreme. If this doesn’t suit you, don’t force yourself to take that approach. Do it your way. Take a deep breath and realise that all the clothes in your closet right now have a history. It must have taken a lot of years to come up with this collection, so give yourself some time to sort this out. It might help to make a schedule, for example, cleaning and sorting part of your closet every week.

2. Focus on what you want to keep

When cleaning up, you’re often mainly concerned with the things you want to get rid of. Logical, but you’ll feel a lot more cheerful if you mainly focus on the things you want to keep. There are no guidelines that determine how much clothing you can keep and get rid of. It’s your wardrobe and no one else has anything to do with it. Keep the clothes that make you feel good.

3. Does it serve a purpose?

Often you have a piece of clothing that you don’t wear anymore, but you simply don’t know what you want with it. Link it to a goal. Do you want to sell or donate the clothes? Make a choice and then act accordingly. You’ll notice that you feel a lot calmer afterwards. After all, you don’t wear these clothes anymore.

4. Listen to your heart

You probably also have items of clothing that cost a lot of money or that you wore when you were slightly heavier or thinner. You don’t have to get rid of these clothes immediately. Maybe you can store them in boxes in the attic. Agree with yourself that in six months you’ll decide what you want to do with these clothes.

5. Create a maybe pile

Sometimes the choice is easy to make, but sometimes not at all. I bet you’ve got a couple of shirts and/or trousers that you have doubts about. Therefore, make a ‘maybe’ stack. Agree with yourself that you’ll review this stack again at a later time.

Free White Drawer in the Wardrobe Stock Photo

Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

28 thoughts on “Clearing out your wardrobe without regrets? This is how you handle it

  1. I only have a small amount of clothes because most of them are black (my mother sighs at me and is like “don’t you ever wanna wear colour?” And I’m like “No woman! Black is the same colour as my soul!”)

    Liked by 1 person

      1. My mother doesn’t. She only takes me shopping if I need new clothes otherwise I just keep myself locked in my room 24/7. I don’t buy clothes as I hate spending money on myself.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You know something? If I design something the internet doesn’t have to see does it? I can design in private to my heart contents and take inspiration from Tiktok or whatever and nobody can tell me it looks awful. I have something cooking here

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I worry if I post my designs on the internet the whole internet will be like “stolen design!” And then I’ll be to scared to lay one foot on the internet again

        Liked by 1 person

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