Tips & Tricks

How to pack your suitcase like a professional!

I know most people stay home this year, due to Covid-19. But, some still make the decision to go somewhere and therefore need to pack their suitcase (which won’t be a surprise xd). Anyway, I’ve got some tips for you to pack your suitcase like a professional. So, are you ready to go on vacation? Prepared and easy-packed?

1. Make a list

Make a packing list with everything you want to take with you. You’ll easily be able to erase the items you’ve already packed. And, if you’d rather make more lists, then go ahead! You can make one for your clothes, toiletry bag and other necessities!

2. Divide your clothes in matches

Surely no one forgets which clothes they want to match, right? Well, it can easily happen while you’re on vacation. So, make sure you put the clothes you find matchable close to one another in your suitcase. Oh, and try to combine a certain shirt with multiple skirts or jeans. Why? So you have fewer clothes to pack!

3. Roll up your clothes

Rolling up your clothes has two major advantages. Advantage one: by rolling up your clothes, you prevent wrinkles in your clothes and advantage two: rolling up your clothes means more space and therefore means more stuff you can take with you!

4. Use mini products

It’s very inconvenient to stuff the entire contents of your beauty case in your suitcase. Therefore, use minis. You know, a mini toothpaste tube or shampoo bottle. This saves a lot of space and a lot of weight.

5. Keep your suitcase as light as possible

Make sure to check if your hotel (or another place of staying) has towels you can use. If so, you don’t need to bring your own. This means less weight! Oh, and it won’t be a surprise that books are quite heavy as well. So, bring magazines or comics instead!

6. Stuff your shoes

Socks, accessories, swimwear: stuff your shoes to leave space in your suitcase. Don’t want your clothes to get dirty thanks to your shoe soles? Use a shower cap to cover those. And you’re all good to go!

7. Leave some space

We all know that most people go shopping while they’re on their vacation. Or, like me, bring back souvenirs. For yourself, friends or family. Anyway, you can’t buy any of that when your suitcase is packed. So, keep some space and thank me later 😉

Are you still going on vacation this year? Or have you postponed it?

Love, Deem ❤

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Images source: Pexels

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