
How to brush your teeth in the most perfect way? I’ll tell you!

It’s something we all do: brushing our teeth. Normally we need to do it twice a day, but most people don’t do that. And even if they do, they won’t brush any longer than 30 seconds. Though, you need to brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes! So, let’s take a look at the 6 steps to brush your teeth in the most perfect way to keep them healthy and clean!

Step 1

It’s best to divide your teeth into 4 parts and decide where you start first. Either at the top left/right or bottom left/right. Brush every part for about 30 seconds, so you end up brushing your teeth for 2 minutes.

Step 2

Firstly, brush the outside of your molar teeth. That means the side closest to your outside cheek.

Step 3

Move along on the inside of your molar teeth, the side you mostly wouldn’t brush. Since most don’t, this is the spot where most ‘bad’ things happen to your teeth.

Step 4

Brush on top of your molar teeth to remove any leftovers from the food you’ve eaten so far.

Step 5

Repeat the steps from above on the other three sides. Once you do so, all of your molar teeth will be brushed.

Step 6

Now, continue brushing your front teeth. First, brush the outside, then the inside. Lastly, use your toothbrush to brush the top of your front teeth.

Do you brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes?

Love, Deem ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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