Zodiac sign

This is how you deal with the heat according to your zodiac sign

We’re (still) dealing with tropical summer heat, and everyone deals with it differently. I, for example, don’t deal with it. I absolutely hate it. Anyway, your zodiac sign apparently determines a lot about that too!

  1. Aquarius

When the sun shines, Aquarians have a party. Swimming, a day at the water park, going wild at a beach party: Aquarius make their own heat plan.

2. Pisces

Where everything comes in quite intensely with Pisces, this is also the case with extreme heat. If they ever step foot outside in the heat, they won’t do so without sharing with all their friends what a heroic deed they’ve done.

3. Aries

Aries are fire signs and therefore also have somewhat fiery characters. Add a tropical temperature and the heat is complete. Aries have a short fuse for warmth and therefore don’t hide their displeasure.

4. Taurus

If you were born under the sign of Taurus, you like a little luxury here and there. You just see the heat as a way to respond to that. Frozen yogurt, a luxurious beach club, expensive sunglasses on their nose: a Taurus loves it.

5. Gemini

If you’re a Gemini, there’s a good chance that you’ll stay indoors and then develop feelings of guilt about being indoors. Don’t worry, Gemini, it’s way too hot outside.

6. Cancer

When it comes to FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), Cancer can have some of it too. It’s not surprising if you find yourself wallowing in self-pity on hot days when you discover via social media which social summer activities you’re missing out on.

7. Leo

Leo can even transform a sweat moustache into a natural glow. People born under this sign are full of self-confidence and radiate this even when they’re almost melting away.

8. Virgo

Virgo gets easily irritated by people who complain about the heat all day long. The only thing is that they often don’t know that their own complaints about the complaints of others are also due to the heat.

9. Libra

Exactly the type that Virgos can’t stand. Whether they like the warm weather or not: Libras are good at taking everything into account and going into great detail about why they like or dislike the heat so much.

10. Scorpio

While the libido of the average Scorpio is already quite high, heat only increases the sex drive.

11. Sagittarius

Heat? Heatwave? Tropical temperatures? No way. Sagittarians, adventurous and assertive as they are, have already booked a ticket to a country where the temperature is more pleasant long before the heat reaches their home.

12. Capricorn

A house full of fans, supplies of ice cubes, life hacks to sleep better on hot nights: Capricorn will spend an entire summer finding the best way to survive the heat.

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Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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