Zodiac sign

The hobby that fits your zodiac sign

Now that we’re at home more often and have more free time, we start looking for new hobbies. Curious which hobby suits you? I figured it out with a little help from the stars!


You can put everything in a journal: new ideas, important tasks, personal thoughts. By writing everything off, you’ll be able to give your mind some more peace. And you can really use that now.


You don’t always have to buy something to give your home a new look. For example, choose to paint an old cupboard. Or make a beautiful work of art for the wall. See how creative you can be with the things you already have around the house.


You feel like giving yourself a new look. There are many videos on YouTube explaining makeup or hair techniques.


Now that we’re stuck in an uncertain and stressful period, you could use some rest. Use this time to make yoga and meditation a daily habit.

Selective Focus Photography of Paintbrush Near Paint Pallet


Sitting at home alone can be lonely. Round up your friends, pour a glass of wine, and organise an online party. This can be done, for example, with the House Party or FaceTime app.


Covid may have put your career goals on the back burner, but now’s the time to update your social media channels. Also, use this time to get to know new people in your field.


You may be very disappointed because you had to cancel or postpone a trip. That’s why it’s nice to look back on all the beautiful vacations you’ve had. Make a photo album, which can be online or in a real book!


Whether you’re quarantined with your partner or single, look for new ways to spoil yourself or someone else. Make a fancy dinner, create a spa day, or make your very own cinema!

Assorted Puzzle Game


You’re competitive and social. Two qualities that’ll come in handy when playing an (online) game. Play a fun board game with your friends and partner or get behind a game console to play online with others.


Let the Marie Kondo in you come out and give your house a good spring cleaning. Rearrange your kitchen cupboards or take a critical look at your wardrobe. By putting on headphones with music or a nice podcast, you make it a lot more fun.


Now you finally get to those creative ideas that have been in your head for months. Get the paint and brushes from the attic and go wild on a canvas. Or write down all your feelings in a poem or story.


Now that you’re home more often, you finally have time to spend more time in the kitchen. Dust off your cookbooks or experiment with the tastiest ingredients yourself. Extra fun: make it a cooking competition with your loved one.

Selective Focus Photography of Man With Black Nikon Dslr Camera

Love, Skye Lewis/Deem ❀

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Image source: Pexels

20 thoughts on “The hobby that fits your zodiac sign

  1. Ik hou niet van film kijken maar wel van een goed boek en momentjes voor mezelf.
    kleuren is ook een van mijn bezigheden. Als ik geen helpende hand aan anderen geeft.

    Aum Shanthi

    Liked by 2 people

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