Zodiac sign

Which pet fits you best? Your zodiac sign will tell you!

Are you planning on adopting a pet, but are you not certain which one? Or are you curious to know what your perfect match is? Well, your zodiac sign will tell you which pet fits you best! 

Aquarius ♒

You love some excitement in your life, meaning that you want an adventure each day. Something you haven’t done or experienced before. You love being different than most people and therefore, want a pet that isn’t quite normal. How about a pig or a goat?

Pisces ♓

Okay, this one may seem like a cliche, but it isn’t! A fish is a perfect pet for you! Why? Because you’re a ‘go with the flow’ kind of person. And a fish suits that image perfectly! They need little attention and that’s actually pretty cool, in your opinion. Why? Because it means more ‘me time’ for you!

Aries ♈️

You’re full of energy, which makes a dog the perfect pet for you! A dog loves long walks and runs like crazy whenever you throw a stick. And you happily chase after him. Which is a great way of losing your own saved energy!

Taurus ♉

You’re quite stubborn, which means you need some sort of balance in your life. A turtle is pretty calm but does show an attitude at times. Just like you! You’re both down to earth and equally powerful. I call the perfect match!

Gemini ♊

You’re sweet, cute and have a soft character. You want a fitting pet for your personality, so a cute bunny is your perfect match! And if you take good care of him, you’ll see that he’ll become your best friend!

Cancer ♋

Your fantasy is beyond limits, which is why you don’t like the ‘casual’ pet. You’d rather pick a rather weird pet like a lizard or snake. It may be a bit creepy at first, but they’re actually really cool!

Leo ♌

You’re quite the talkative person and love being in the spotlight. It won’t be a surprise that a parrot is your perfect match. Why? Because parrots love being in the spotlights just as much as you do. So, go ahead and chirp your way through life together!

Virgo ♍

You love the small things in life, which is why a small pet suits you best. How about a dwarf hamster or gerbil? They need love and that’s what you love to give! And come on: aren’t they super adorable?

Libra ♎

You love taking care of others, which is why you match with every pet in existence. But, I think a guinea pig suits you best. They’re super adorable and need a lot of love. That sounds like a win-win to me!

Scorpio ♏

You’re a brave person and do struggle with trusting people. You protect yourself from others and therefore need a hedgehog in your life. You find yourself equally matched with the way it behaves and shows. And yet, they’re still cute!

Sagittarius ♐

You’re quite the outgoing person, pretty wild at times, loving adventure. A horse is, therefore, your perfect match. I mean, who doesn’t love horseriding in the open air? You need that piece of energy and being outside like that is just a lovely way of spending your time!

Capricorn ♑

You need an organized and clean environment, just like a cat does. Which is why a cat is your match made in heaven! They’re just as clean as you and love to be petted. Well, not always of course 😉 Sure, your cat can be a bit grumpy at times, but so can you! No misunderstandings there!

Do you have pets? 

Love, Deem ❤

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Images source: Pexels


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