
Make your own face mask for your skin type!

Remember the post I wrote recently about which face mask suits your skin type? Well, I’ve got an addition to that! Because you can make your own face masks for the skin type you have! It’ll be less trouble in comparison with all the added ingredients to the face masks you buy in shops! So, shall we take a look?

Oily skin

It’s important to avoid oil with an oily skin (it’s in the name as well!) So, use a mask that’ll quickly ‘cover’ your face: such as this clay mask!


  • 1 spoon of green clay
  • A tiny bit of apple cider

What to do:

Put the ingredients in a bowl and stir it. Put the face mask on your most oily spots. Wash it off after 10-15 minutes with lukewarm water and a washing cloth.

Dry skin

It’s important for the dry skin to add a nurturing mask to your face. That’s why you should always use something based off avocado or honey.


  • Half of an avocado
  • 1 teaspoon of full milk
  • A tiny bit of honey

What to do:

Grab a bowl and mix the ingredients. Keep stirring until you see a smooth mixture occurring. Grab a face brush and make sure you divide the mask well enough, over your entire skin.

Mixed skin

You can use many different ingredients with this skin type. They’ll all work differently. So try to use those ingredients that’ll have a positive effect on your skin!


  • Half of a peach
  • Half of a spoon of honey
  • Half of a spoon of oatmeal

What to do:

Start with cooking the peach. Wait until it’s gone a bit ‘soft’ and add the honey and oatmeal to it. Keep the mask on the stove for a while and wait until it turns into a ‘hot mess.’ Add it to your face and peel it off once it’s completely cooled down.

Troubled skin

Does your skin suffer pimples and impurities? Then it’s time to use this strawberry mask!


  • 5-10 strawberries
  • 100 milliliters of low-fat yogurt

What to do:

Add the yogurt to a small bowl. Cut the strawberries in small pieces and mash them. Add the strawberries to the yogurt, stir it and add the mixture to your face, while using a face brush!

Have you ever made your own face mask before?

Love, Deem ❤

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Images source: Pexels

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