
Cities that are worth visiting!

Are you already planning your vacation for the summer? Or do you want to leave for a weekend with your lover or best friend? Whatever your plans may be, if you’re not sure about the destination yet, I can give you some suggestions! And I promise, I won’t mention London this time 😉


A beautiful city with a wonderful history. Wherever you look, your eyes will be spoiled. The entire city is filled with impressive buildings, which you can gaze at while you follow the King Route. Prague is also known as the ‘Golden City’, due to the historical buildings you can find there.


Cozy shopping streets, the sun, a beautiful central park (perfect for cycling), a beautiful beach and many museums to visit. And, the hospitality of the people there is remarkably big!


In this small Italian city where Romeo’s and Julia’s story took place. Verona is therefore known for its enormous characteristic, historical and romantic appearance. It’s a beautiful city for a romantic getaway! Plus, the famous Venice is an hour drive away, so you can visit that too!


Another city with a beautiful history and stunning buildings. Plus, did you know there’s an outdoor swimming pool in the heart of Budapest? Plus, there’s much more to see in the Hungarian capital city. For example: the famous Chain Bridge, the Great Market Hall with many cute stalls and of course many different central parks to visit!


Did you know Istanbul is situated on an intercontinental border? When you cross the Bosphorus Bridge, you’ll walk to Asia from Europe! Which other beautiful things can you find in Istanbul you ask? Well, you can visit the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, (known as the Blue Mosque) many cozy bazaars and a lot of restaurants and hookah cafes.

Have you ever been to one of these cities before? I myself have visited Prague 🙂

Love, Deem ❤

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Image source: Pexels


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