
These apples are best used for applesauce

Nothing beats the smell and taste of homemade applesauce. But which apples do you use to make the tastiest applesauce? Dutch fruit farmer Pim will tell you and help you out!

  1. Goudrenet

The goudrenet is also seen as the best apple for applesauce. This apple gives a delicious sweet and sour taste and has the best texture. If you can’t find goldrenets, the following apples are also suitable.

2. Cox orange

The Cox Orange not only has a delicious taste, but is also suitable to eat on its own or to use for applesauce. This apple has a soft, sweet and sour taste.

3. Jonagold

Another tasty, fresh and sour apple is Jonagold. Perfect to use for your recipe, because this apple is easy to cook into applesauce.

4. James Grieve

You may know the James Grieve mainly as a hand apple, but did you know that it’s also delicious because of the applesauce? The yellow-red apple is suitable to use if you like a fresh-sweet taste

5. Elstar

You can find the Elstar in the supermarket all year round. It’s one of the best apples to use for your applesauce. The apple has a good taste and is nice and juicy, giving you the right texture.

6. Kanzi

For a juicy applesauce, you can also use Kanzi apples. What makes this apple suitable is that it’s so moist. This makes it easy to make a sauce out of it. It’s also not inferior to the other apples in terms of taste.

7. A little recipe

Now that you’ve chosen the best apple for your applesauce, you’re probably also curious about the best recipe. To do this, use 1 kilo of apples, 75 ml of water, the juice of half a lemon, two to four tablespoons of sugar and a teaspoon of cinnamon. Then peel the apples and cut into small pieces. Boil the apple pieces in water, lemon juice and sugar for about 15 minutes. Stir occasionally. Depending on the texture, you can use a masher or an immersion blender to smooth the puree. Then season with cinnamon and leave to cool.

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Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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