
These are the most common mistakes made while mopping

How wonderfully fresh it is when you have just mopped your floor again. It’s a job that you often do quickly and easily and yet the same mistakes are made quite often. These mistakes will make your floor look a lot less beautiful!

  1. Too much detergent

To get your floor clean, you may throw a good splash of detergent into the water. But did you know that too much detergent can make your floor look greasy? Therefore, only use a small splash in a bucket of water. This is enough to get your floor clean. Is the floor very dirty, for example by your pet? Then clean those areas with a little more detergent and mop the rest of the floor with less detergent.

2. Too wet

Try to wring out the mop well before you go over the floor. Mopping too wet will cause it to take longer for the floor to dry and it can cause water rings to dry. So you’ve actually mopped for nothing. Is the floor with little water not immediately clean? Then go over it a second time.

3. Hot water

Many people fill a bucket with warm water to mop the floor, but that’s a real waste of work. Warm or hot water evaporates quickly, leaving residues of cleaning agent on the floor. This makes it look greasy and blotchy after mopping. It’s better to use lukewarm or cold water. It’ll take a little longer for the floor to dry, but it’ll look better.

4. Not ventilate

It’s often forgotten, but it’s important: ventilating a room after you have mopped. This is because the room needs time to dry properly. Therefore, open the windows and doors so that the water can’t cause damage.

5. Don’t let mop dry properly

Are you done mopping? Rinse the mop well and let it dry before storing it. This will prevent you from mopping with a dirty head next time and bacteria and fungi won’t have a chance to leave bad odours in the mop.

Free Brown Wooden Floor Stock Photo

Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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