
Laundry perfume: the best reasons to try it out

Did you know that laundry perfume is becoming increasingly popular? It’s a liquid agent that you add to your laundry for an extra strong and nice scent. I myself can’t use it due to a perfume allergy, but Layla has a few good reasons to try it!

  1. Long-lasting scent

With laundry perfume, the scent of your laundry lingers much longer than with regular detergent. This means that your clothes, towels, and bedding will still smell nice after a few days.

2. No synthetical smells

Many detergents contain synthetic fragrances. These can sometimes cause allergic reactions. Most laundry perfumes contain only natural ingredients and essential oils, which are much better for your skin.

3. Need less detergent

Laundry perfume isn’t just nice for your scent experience, but also for your wallet. You need much less detergent. Moreover, you use so little of it for a wash that one bottle lasts for months.

4. Different scents

Wash perfume is available in different scents, from fresh and floral to warm and spicy. This way, you can always choose a scent that suits your personal taste.

5. User-friendly

Using laundry perfume is very simple. You simply add a cap to the fabric softener compartment, and the machine does the rest. When you hang up your laundry afterwards, you can smell it throughout your house, which is another great advantage.

Free Crop person with detergent in studio Stock Photo

Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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