Memories · Personal

My experience meeting actors at Comic Con Holland!

I went to Comic Con Holland last Saturday. Yes, only for one day to meet two actors, and to of course have an excuse to cosplay as Eddie Munson again. So, what were my experiences like? Let’s dive into it!

First photo and autograph session

When I arrived, I first had to wait in line to even get inside for an hour. My first photo op was at 11 a.m. and the doors for regular tickets opened at 10 a.m., so I arrived at 10 a.m. sharp and had to wait. Then I had to try and find the photo booth and was just in time to rush for the photo with Alec Utgoff, a.k.a. Alexei. He was so incredibly sweet and gentle! The first photo looked pretty bad because I had rushed in and my Eddie wig was all over the place and my face red. So he said: “do you wanna take a second photo?” And I said: “yes, please.” Once the second showed up on the screen, he said: “this one is way nicer, isn’t it?” I thanked him for being so kind and considerate and he said: “you’re welcome, sweetheart, see you soon.” Well, it’s safe to say I melted right then and there.

Next, I went for an autograph and as I walked up to him, he went: “oh hey, I just saw you. Are you feeling a little better?” Gosh, there I went, melting a second time. So, I explained I travelled from the north to the south to meet him and I was just anxiously rushing to be on time. He laughed a little and said he was glad I managed to make it. I then told him I first met him in Jack Ryan before I knew him as Alexei, and he chuckled: “so you knew me as the villain first?” I laughed and said, “yes, I got a thing for villains.” He laughed even harder and said, “well, we losers from the UK gotta be like that, right?” I laughed, “I say more like freaks, but we definitely are. Being a freak is awesome, especially from the UK.” He nodded, agreeing with me as I agreed with him. I love how we could just joke around like that (I know he was born in Ukraine, but he moved to the UK at a young age) and then he shook my hand. I thanked him, wished him a good day, and he did the same to me before I went to Grace van Dien’s autograph session.

Second autograph and photo session

Her line was by this point a little longer than Alec’s was when I stood in line, but it still didn’t take long. Grace plays Chrissy Cunningham in the show, and I could’ve met her earlier at Dortmund Comic Con last December, but I had no time left to do so. This time I had plenty of time, so I went for it. She’s a really kind person, asking how I was doing and that my outfit looked gorgeous. I complimented her back, I mean, it’s a human thing to do when someone gives you a compliment, right? Saying just “thank you” would’ve felt a bit rude, for some reason. Anyway, she signed my book and I thanked her, wishing her a nice day. Oh, she did tell me to drink some tea considering the hasty morning I had earlier, and I thanked her for the lovely advice.

I then walked around to check out some merchandise as I had an hour to spend before I had to queue for her photo op. Once I did, there was a huge line and I was almost last. Didn’t expect that. The line went quick, and when it was my turn, she recognised me and smiled, and we took our photo. I did feel like a giant next to her. When she was behind the autograph table, I didn’t really notice how small she was. But standing next to her for the photo op, I almost felt bad I was a lot taller. Then once the photo was taken, I thanked her and walked around a bit more before heading home.

The crew

Bloody hell, the crew is so much more helpful and understanding at this con! I’ve never met such sweet, helpful crew members before. In Germany, sorry to say, it was downright awful. But here? Everyone was so sweet and kind. I’m not even that positive about Dutch Comic Con’s crew, so this says a lot. When I asked for information it was immediately given to me in a helpful way, and with a kind gesture as they spoke English with me. Dutch people truly are a lot more willing to communicate in English, whereas the Germans don’t. Sorry, but it’s true. Anyway, I had apparently booked a Sunday ticket for Grace’s photo, and I hadn’t seen this. The Saturday tickets were apparently all sold out. I went to the information stand and explained the situation, to which they directed me to the photo booth itself. When it was my turn to scan my ticket, I explained the situation (considering they don’t provide a refund for something like that) and this super kind lady said I was allowed to go through after she scanned my ticket and it didn’t work. I told her I wasn’t attending tomorrow and she was so kind as to let me through. I mean, one extra person for a photo doesn’t mean much, right? I thanked her and she said it was nothing. Well, to me it meant a lot, otherwise, I would’ve lost my money for nothing. If you read this by some miracle, you’re an amazing human being and I hope your empathy gets you far in life!

Final thoughts

I’ve now met 4 members of the Stranger Things cast and I wanted to add more to that list with the upcoming Dortmund con in May, but sadly, I have exams then and can’t make it. Pretty bummed because Joe Keery is attending. Oh well, maybe I’ll meet him elsewhere someday.

Lastly, I wanna add, I overheard someone say something at the con, and I wanna clarify something. Being a fan of an actor as a guy, doesn’t make you gay. Being a fan of an actress as a girl, doesn’t make you a lesbian. Let’s all just be a fan of an actor/actress without questioning or branding sexuality, okay? I’m straight, I like men, and me thinking an actress does a great job performing a role doesn’t make me a lesbian or anything else. Neither does it make a straight guy a gay man when he’s a fan of a guy in the Star Wars franchise. Let’s all just be fans, huh?

Also, the prices were so much lower here than in Germany. In Germany, you pay double if not triple the amount that I paid for both, and that’s pretty insane to me. I get the con in Germany is way bigger, but as far as I know, booking actors like that is about the same price for all cons, right? They don’t travel much farther for The Netherlands, so, why is it more expensive? I honestly kinda wanna know, but I guess I might have to do with simply wondering.

Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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