
Fashionable reasons to wear yellow clothes

My friend Clarissa is back with one more post in relation to fashion! Last time, she spoke about the fashionable reasons for wearing green, and in today’s post, she wanted to talk about what the colour yellow does to you when wearing it!

  1. Optimism and luck

Yellow is one of the colours most associated with optimism and happiness. By wearing yellow clothing you automatically radiate positivity.

2. Uniqueness

The colour yellow isn’t as common as black or white, so it makes your outfit unique. It can instantly make a simple outfit more interesting.

3. Versatile colour

This colour is easy to combine with other colours. For example, it can look great with blue, green, pink, and even red.

4. Healthy glow

Wearing yellow clothes can make your skin look healthier. It reflects light on your skin and provides a healthy glow.

5. Trendy colour

Yellow clothing is currently a trend colour. So it’s a good investment to buy yellow clothing as it’ll probably stay in fashion for a while.

6. Boosts confidence

Wearing yellow clothes can make you feel more confident. After all, yellow radiates positivity and self-confidence.

7. Suitable for any occasion

Yellow clothing isn’t only suitable for informal occasions, but can also be worn to, for example, a business appointment or a wedding.

8. Suitable for all seasons

Yellow is not just a colour for summer. There are also many yellow garments suitable for autumn and winter.

9. Improve mood

Yellow clothing can not only have a positive effect on others, but also on yourself. It improves your mood and helps you start the day with a positive attitude.

Free Yellow parka on wooden chair Stock Photo

Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

26 thoughts on “Fashionable reasons to wear yellow clothes

  1. I was always afraid of wearing yellow as a kid because my mum always told me that bees sting people in yellow or they mistake the color yellow for flowers sad but I believed everything she told me because I loved her even if she took most of her anger issues out on me

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Do bees sting you if you wear yellow?
        Don’t wear bright colors, particularly white or yellow, because bees and wasps are drawn to these colors. Don’t wear perfume, cologne or deodorant .16 Oct 2004

        Liked by 1 person

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