Scottish history

Paranormal stories from Scotland’s buildings: part 7

Warning: contains topics that may cause an uneasy feeling. Advised to not read at night or rather with someone when easily feeling unsettled.

Scotland has many buildings that behold ghost stories, or well, paranormal ones. I’ve always been interested in such stories, including abandoned buildings. Sure, the question will always be the same: are such stories true? Multiple buildings have been visited by paranormal scientists, and they said it was true. In several parts, I’ll be telling all paranormal stories and the history of Scotland’s buildings! Today: the last part!

  1. Greyfriars Kirkyard

It’s said to be haunted by the evil spirit of George Mackenzie. Nicknamed “Bluidy Mackenzie,” the attorney vigorously pursued and tortured Covenanters. There have been inexplicable events in the cemetery since the 1990s, two days after a ‘vagrant’ broke into his grave to seek shelter. Legend has it that his spirit was released when a homeless man broke into his resting place in 1999 and that he has assaulted travellers inside the churchyard ever since. Sir George MacKenzie’s signature domed tomb has long been associated with rumours of ghosts. In 2003, two teenage boys, ages 17 and 15, entered the grave through a vent at the back (now sealed). They reached the lower vault (with the chests), broke open the chests and stole a skull.

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2. Jedburgh Castle

It has been the subject of many reported paranormal incidents. Many ghosts have been seen and there have been many reports of a ghostly bagpipe player standing on the battlements. Strong presences were felt and strange lights were seen by visitors on many occasions. The prison was brought to the attention of the media in 2005 when a paranormal investigation team faced extremely poltergeist activities. Shadowy figures have been observed, disembodied voices heard. One once witnessed the toppling of a group table. The group tried to keep up with the table as it began to walk toward him down the hall on its own. Another incident reported was the night a lady rested her hand against the door frame. She screamed when the large, heavy cell door suddenly slammed shut, crushing her fingers in the process. Could it be the unfortunate ghosts of Edwin McArthur or Thomas Wilson who were executed in the 19th century? Or could it be a bit darker from before Jedburgh Castle Prison was built? After all, there was a bloody history that goes back centuries.

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3. Leith Hall

It’s reportedly being haunted. A ghost is believed to be Laird John Leith III who was murdered at Archie Campbell’s Tavern in the Castlegate on Christmas Day 1763 in Aberdeen. During an alcoholic brawl, in which he was shot in the head, after reacting angrily to a fellow diner who accused him of counterfeiting the grain sold from this hall. John’s ghost would appear in great pain with a dirty white bandage over his head and covering his eyes, wearing dark green pants and a shirt. In 1968, a guest woke up in the night to find John in highland clothing, his head covered in bloody bandages, standing at the foot of the bed. Other appearance figures have also been observed. A young soldier. Strange smells. Children playing. And the sound of a lady filling the rooms with laughter, ghostly laughter.

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4. Tulloch Castle

Tulloch Castle is actually believed to have a lot of ghosts, but the most seen ghost, and the ghost most talked about, is the Green Lady. She has been seen so often that the bar in the castle is actually called the Green Lady Bar and a portrait of the lady believed to be the Green Lady, Elizabeth Davidson, hangs in the Great Hall. The Green Lady is also one of the few ghosts captured on film, prompting numerous investigations into the castle. A number of paranormal teams have investigated the castle over the years and they have found some very interesting results. Balls of light, orbs and icy patches of air have been seen and felt, and constant sounds, clicks, bangs and thuds have been recorded on film – without explanation.

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5. Airth Castle

The castle is said to be haunted and reported phenomena include: Sightings of a nanny with two young children who are said to have died in a fire in the castle. The sound of children playing is heard in rooms 3, 4, 9 and 23. Heavy footsteps can be heard outside room 14 before suddenly stopping and disappearing. People have also reported hearing howls and screams believed to have come from a housemaid who was attacked by her master and left to die. Additionally, a ghost dog, with a penchant for ankle biting, is believed to roam the corridors. A groundskeeper is reportedly haunting the ground floor of the castle.

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Which story had you heard before? And which one seems the most ‘creepy’ to you?

Love, Deem/Skye Lewis ❤

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