
My blog stats 2020

Another year ended, thank goodness. I’m especially thankful for that year ending, seeing as it was an awful one. In any case, I keep track of my stats administration in a document, to make sure I know when I did well and when not. In any case, let’s see if we did good this year or bad!

White Ceramic Mug Between Apple Magic Keyboard and Two Flat Screen Computer Monitors


I got 36.791 views this year, which is an increase of 9% compared to last year as I had 33.715. But, I didn’t beat the stats of 2018 as it was 37.578. But, the total amount of views at the end of 2020 was: 200.566 over 6 years (2014 – 2020).


The best month of the year was November with 4018 views. The most popular post of that month was 2 lies, one truth #1 with 617 views. The ‘worse’ month of the year was February 2020 with only 2361 views.


I wrote up to 2257 posts in 2019, and I wrote 366 this year. So, I wrote 2623 posts thus far. Planning on continuing this one post a day streak for the upcoming year as well!


115 different countries visited my blog this year. This is my newly set record for now. Most visitors came from the Netherlands, United States and Belgium. And I got 17 new countries who found my blog.


The comments haven’t increased. Last year it did, but now it didn’t. I had 5485 comments this year and 5810 last year. It’s a decreasing one with 5%. But, the total amount of comments at the end of 2020 was: 49.304 over 6 years (2014 – 2020).


I had a record this year with the amount of visitors. I had 19.227 people visiting my blog this year. That’s an increase of 47% compared with last year’s 13.004 visitors. But, the total amount of visitors at the end of 2020 was: 68.536 over 6 years (2014 – 2020).


I had more likes this year in comparison with 2018 and 2019. Last year I had 10.323 likes, this year, with an increase of 7% I got 11.039 likes. But, the total amount of likes at the end of 2020 was: 67.514 over 6 years (2014 – 2020).

Person Holding Turned-on Silver Laptop Computer

What are your stats? Bloggers among us?

Love, Deem/Skye Lewis ❤

You can also follow me on FacebookTwitterInstagram and Twitch

Image source: Pexels

32 thoughts on “My blog stats 2020

  1. Interesting. For 2020 I got 60,011 views across 112 posts – my most successful year since I began back in 2014. However, I don’t get nearly as many comments and likes as you as the vast majority of the interactions I get on my posts come via social media rather than on the blog comments section itself. I can see that you have 1,451 followers compared to my 373 so you are probably much better embedded in the wordpress blogging community than I am by the looks of it! Happy New Year.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Given we both began blogging in 2014 though we are almost uncannily alike in terms of overall number of views by the end of 2020 however – your 200,566 compared to my 201,460! Uncanny!

    Liked by 1 person

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