English stories

Go shopping

Angela and her husband Greg are on their way to the shopping store. Angela recieved her pay from her work. She works as a teacher on a primary school. Every month she needs to buy new clothes, ‘for her work’. Greg parked the car in front of the mall. Angela gets out of the car, put her hair away and walk on her high heels straight to her favorite shop ‘You know Fashion’.

She looks at a beautiful dress, when her husband sit right next to an other guy. ‘Is your wife shopping?’ ‘Yes, and when she is ready, I can walk with all her bags’. ‘Same here. Let’s drink a cup of coffee. I’ll pay’.

Angela has found 5 sets of clothing. When she walks to the dressing room, and see a hugh sign with ‘Only 2 sets’, she tries to find her husband, but he is gone. With her clothes in her arms, she walks to the nearest dressing room. Luckily for her the woman isn’t paying attention to her. She is helping a older lady with a skirt, which is too small.

When Angela is ready, her husband Greg walks straight to the counter. Angela gives her clothes to the sales assitent. ‘That would be £100,40’. Angela gives her the money, while Greg puts her clothes into bags. ‘Thank you’, does Angela say when she recieved her change.

With all the bags in his hand, Greg tries to arrive his car. He puts her clothes in the trunk. When he get in the car, he gives his wife a kiss. He starts the car, and drive to their house.

The end

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