
Cleaning a vacuum cleaner: this is how you do it

The vacuum cleaner is, of course, the household appliance that rids your home of dust and dirt. But this device could also use some love from time to time and needs to be cleaned. Cleaning your vacuum ensures that it lasts longer and does its job better!

  1. Replace the bag

An overfilled vacuum cleaner bag ensures that the vacuum cleaner can suck up less dust and dirt. The motor has to work harder, which means that the device consumes more dust. Sometimes it even happens that the engine gets too hot and damaged. Therefore, empty the vacuum cleaner bag on time, approximately every three months. If you have pets or you vacuum often, you probably need to replace the bag more often.

2. Cleaning the dust bin

Some vacuum cleaners don’t have a bag, but a reservoir where the dust gets in. You also have to empty these regularly. If you don’t do this, the suction power of the device will decrease. After emptying the bin, you can clean it with a wet cloth. Then dry it thoroughly, otherwise the dust can stick to the container. It’s best to clean the bin monthly.

3. Filters

After replacing the vacuum cleaner bag or emptying the dust bin, it’s good to check the filters. If the filters are clogged, the vacuum cleaner sucks less well, the motor is less protected and unpleasant odours can occur. Therefore, clean them regularly or replace them if they look bad. Check whether the filters are washable or not. You can find this in the manual of the vacuum cleaner. If you have a vacuum cleaner with a bag, it’s advisable to clean the filters every month. You replace the engine filter annually and the exhaust filter once or twice a year. If you have a stick vacuum, it’s fine to clean the filter once a month. You can replace the filter after about a year and a half. With a robot vacuum, it’s best to knock out the filter weekly and replace it every six months.

4. Cleaning washable filters

You can clean washable filters by knocking out the filter and rinsing it under the faucet. Then let the filter dry for 24 to 48 hours. After that, check that it has dried thoroughly before putting it back in the vacuum cleaner. Note: a wet filter can ruin your vacuum cleaner. Never let the filter dry in the sun or on the heater, as this can cause it to dry out.

5. Cleaning non-washable filters

You can clean non-washable filters by knocking them out outside. It’s best to do this once a month.

6. Mouthpiece

Over time, dirt can get stuck in the nozzle. This reduces suction power and can damage the floor. Pull or cut out the dirt and check that nothing is stuck in the kink to the pipe.

7. Check the hose

In addition to the nozzle, check the hose for blockages. Be careful with sharp objects and avoid kinking the hose. Make sure that the hose doesn’t sit double when you store it.

8. Cleaning wheels

The wheels of the vacuum cleaner can get stuck due to dust and dirt. Try to cut off dust, dirt, and hair first. Then you can spray the axle of the wheels with silicone spray. This way, the vacuum will roll smoothly behind you again.

Free Person Holding Yellow and Black Vacuum Stock Photo

Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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