
Paris 2024: June 1 trip to Paris and June 2 Darklight 6 (part 1)

It’s been 2 weeks since I’ve been to Paris, and due to university exams, which are now (hopefully) finally over, I have time to write about my adventures in France! So, let’s dive into it, shall we?

June 1: trip to Paris

My dad and I left by car quite early on June 1, around 9.30 a.m. we had scheduled to leave considering we would expect quite a bit of traffic on our way. Boy, we weren’t prepared for what we eventually came across. It was way worse than we initially expected. We arrived around 7.30 p.m. in Paris, more specifically, at our hotel. We already were stuck in traffic in the Netherlands, which was quite the surprise to us, then we got stuck around Antwerp, which isn’t that much of a surprise, and then we were totally blown away by the excessive amount of traffic we stumbled upon in Paris. We honestly didn’t expect it to be that bad. You can probably guess just how tired we were when we finally arrived. Luckily the hotel we booked came with parking, which he had to reserve and pay for in advance, but it had like a neat little private parking area with a locked gate, which definitely made it feel very secure. Tops to La Regence! We thought it was too late to get proper dinner, so we opted for the supermarket and just lived on bread for the evening. I knew that I’d be meeting amazing actors the next day, so I was already mentally preparing myself. We played some music quizzes before we headed to bed.

June 2: Darklight 6

I woke up quite early in the morning to get myself ready and wear half of Dean Winchester’s cosplay. We decided to walk to the supermarket, which was on the way, but found that most bread wasn’t ready yet. Which of course, makes sense. We were forced to walk back, which of course made me worry I wouldn’t be on time enough to stand in the predicted massive queue. We walked to the nearest boulangerie and there I bought some breakfast, which would also simultaneously be my lunch. My dad and I walked on towards the event centre, where we found indeed a massive queue. Apparently the doors had opened way too late, and the queue had only grown further and further. To make matters worse, they had three different queues for the three different passes, but this wasn’t indicated anywhere outside. And you couldn’t exactly look over people’s heads at the door, where the banners showed the correct pass. So, I stood in the wrong queue for over an hour. Luckily, they let me move to the right queue and didn’t let me go all the way back to the end of the queue. I mean, I had my first photo scheduled pretty early so, I wanted to be inside on time. Once I was finally inside and had obtained my two bracelets, one for my pass and one for the respective panel room, I headed to the panel room to witness the opening ceremony and hear the rules for the day. They’d put on the screen whenever we’d be called for photos and such, and also simultaneously tweet it live, though this honestly didn’t go right all the time throughout the day. Anyway, after I saw all the cast members on the stage, and they had said their goodbyes to get the day started, I walked over to the photobooth area. I know my pass wasn’t called yet, but I didn’t trust the system. I was even let in earlier than some others because they couldn’t be bothered. At least, that’s what it seemed like at first. Because boy, after that, it only got worse. But we’ll get to that later.

Matt Cohen photo

So, as I said, I managed to have my turn quite early and I had to leave my bag behind on quite a long table, which wasn’t guarded like other cons do. That definitely already awakened a red flag in me. Anyway, my first photo of the day was with Matt Cohen, who plays the young John Winchester in flashbacks in Supernatural. When it was my turn for the photo itself, I asked if he was okay with a hug, and he was, and he squeezed me really tight! Damn, the muscles on him! I definitely felt safe in his arms haha. Afterwards, when I was still in the photo room, Jared Padalecki walked past me and I waved at him. He then proceeded to walk over to me, gave me a high five, and then he held my hand. God, I didn’t expect that to happen and was already melting knowing I’d meet him for real later on!

Duo photo

I went back to the panel room after that because the duo photo would take quite some time before it’d happen, and people were queuing for other photos so I wasn’t allowed to stay in the room. But this is where the whole day went bad. The duo photo was very delayed, and this caused everything else, throughout the entire day to be severely delayed. Up to 2,5 hours, which eventually made all actors have to work 2,5 hours longer than they were scheduled for. I don’t know what happened, whether the organisation just didn’t plan properly or whatever, but I do know the organisation was way worse than it was at Comic Con Brussels, but somehow still not as worse as Dortmund Comic Con, which is still at the bottom of my list. But it’s definitely the penultimate con now, replacing Comic Con Brussels.

Anyway, I came here to talk about the duo photo too. At least, that’s what the heading says. So, I should keep my word. This was my second time meeting Jensen Ackles, and my first time meeting Jared Padalecki, and I already knew what I wanted. I had printed a photo so I could show it to them, save everyone some time. Jensen definitely seemed to remember me, I could see it in his eyes seeing as I met him last year in Liverpool. I wanted to recreate the photo that I believe is the most beautiful one they have with Misha Collins, and I love how it turned out! I had a J2 sandwich and I couldn’t have been happier. This photo is my favourite out of them all, and I’ll cherish this photo forever.

Jensen Ackles photo

Well, the duo photo was already severely delayed, and I heard some people say that Jensen’s solo photo wouldn’t happen, so of course my worries took over. Luckily, they assured me it’d still happen, though with a massive delay. I know I already have a hug photo with Jensen from Liverpool Comic Con last year, but I really wanted to meet him again and have a very special type of photo. Of course, Jensen recognised me and gave me a kind smile. I, once more, had printed a photo to ensure I wouldn’t take up too much time, and showed it to him. I told him I had been in a car accident a few years back, and if he wanted to give me a protective Dean Winchester hug to shield me from any future accidents. He said: I got you, with a very sweet, concerned, but caring voice. He put his arms around me and held me very tightly, giving me Dean’s famous look. He put his hand on mine and squeezed me as close to him as he could. This photo, too, has a special place in my heart. Of course, I loved hugging him in Liverpool, but this Dean Winchester/Jensen hug is just a tiny bit more special!

Jared Padalecki photos

After this photo I had nothing to do for a really long time, aside from watching a few panels, luckily able to catch both Jared’s and Jensen’s solo panels, though I’m still enraged that they didn’t do a J2 duo panel, and just proceeded to do one on Sunday, which wasn’t even scheduled. I’ve heard some bad things about the Sunday in terms of time management, way worse than my day, but I wasn’t there physically so, I can’t exactly comment on it. Anyway, it took hours before Jared’s photo would happen, and I was almost certain I wouldn’t even get it with how bad the organisation and the delay had been. But, it was finally time, and I’m not gonna spend any more words on the bad organisation that happened in between. Jared plays Sam Winchester on Supernatural, by the way.

I have two photos with Jared and I’ll mention both separately because they both deceive a honourable mention of their own. The first photo has a special place in my heart because I explained to him how I had been in a car accident a few years back, and wanted a Sam Winchester protective hug to shield me from any future accidents, and so his face is super concerned in both the Sam, and Jared fashion. He breathed really hard, a breath of relief and worry, and with the way he gripped me tightly, held onto me super tightly, I felt the most protected in the entire world. He said a lot of times that he was glad I was well and was better, and he put his hand on me for a really long time and even rubbed my arm/back. He really pulled me into his embrace to protect me and squeezed me comfortably hard.

This second photo was taken after the first one (he gave it to me) and I just love how bright his smile is, and how he squeezed me into his embrace to, again, give me just that little bit of extra protection I asked for. But this is a pure Jared hug.

Two autographs

After this, I had my autographs left, but all actors would simultaneously sign autographs at 5 p.m., and Jared and Jensen would be in separate rooms, along with Genevieve Padalecki, while the others would be in a big room upstairs. I was of course very worried considering everything had already been very delayed, and with my pass, I knew I’d never make it on time. So, I forged a white bracelet from one of the printed photos I had taken, fastening it with plasters to my wrist, and I pretended I had a pass that required me to be among the first to go. Hey, when the organisation is that bad, sometimes you’re forced to lie and play a trick to get what you paid for. And it worked. They believed I had an upgraded pass and let me pass when I had already been standing in the autograph queue for 2 hours.

I first went to Matt Cohen because I had been standing in the queue for the room with 5 actors in it, and no one asked me any questions, thank god. I walked over to Matt and gave him my book once it was my turn. I explained some difficulties I’ve had over the past few months, years even, and he said to me: please stay safe out there, please take care of yourself. But before that, as I thanked him, he said: the universe put you here today, and he said it with such a sincere kindness and care that my heart melted.

Then I hasted to the special and secluded area, where the queue was gigantic and chaotic. There was no coherent queue for upgraded passes, and everyone was mixed. I tried to get to the front to let them know I had a (forged and fake) upgraded pass. They did let me through, but then the lady near the front began to question me considering (apparently), you have Genevieve’s autograph included in the upgraded pass, and I only came for Jared. I managed to tell the lie that my friend had left the con and had given me her upgraded pass bracelet, which they thank god believed. Look, I know lying is wrong, but at that time I didn’t know they’d go 2,5 hours overtime to make sure everyone got what they paid for. I didn’t want to take any risks. So, once it was my turn, I told him how hard life had been on me lately. I told him how he saved my life and how his campaign helped me to keep on going. He said he understood, saw I got emotional, wanted to touch my hand as I did, but then he tried to make sure I wouldn’t cry out of kindness, and he was so sweet and gentle towards me. I shook his hand, I gave him my letter and he thanked me for it. He said it was okay I got emotional, and the eye contact. The sincere and kind eyes! That man has my heart I swear!

Baby photo

Then I went outside to meet up with my dad, and I of course had to take a photo with the one and only Baby, also known as the famous Chevrolet Impala 67!

After this, my dad and I walked back to the hotel, and it was again 7.30 p.m. by the time we came back, so we once more decided to not go for a full dinner, but instead headed to MacDonalds. It’s not my favourite place to go as I kinda hate the taste of their food, but it was quick and easy, so I decided to just go with it. I ordered a muffin with egg, took off the cheese (there’s something about dairy and me at the end of the day that doesn’t just really work. I’m not lactose intolerant, not at all, but I just don’t do dairy after a certain time), and after that we went back to the hotel.

Tomorrow’s post will tell you all about how our day in Paris itself was, what kind of sightseeing we did, and how our trip back went. So, stay tuned!

Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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