
You should replace these things in your bathroom more often

Be honest: how long has your toothbrush been in the bathroom? How long has it been since you washed the bath mat? And how often do you change the towels for your hands? There are a lot of things that we use too long in the bathroom and that need to be replaced or cleaned!

  1. Washcloths and towels

Of course, you don’t have to replace washcloths and towels, but you can throw them in the laundry after use. A lot of bacteria collect on washcloths and towels. In addition, it’s also nice to wash or dry yourself with a clean washcloth or towel.

2. Shower puff

Maybe there’s one in your bathroom: a shower puff. That’s one of those balls you can soak yourself with while showering. You should definitely replace it every three weeks, because it’s a breeding ground for dead skin cells, bacteria and fungi.

3. Bath mat

For hygiene, it’s important to wash a bath mat regularly, preferably every week. A lot of bacteria also sit on this and at a certain point it will no longer smell fresh.

4. Toothbrush

In the long run, your toothbrush will no longer look good and it will also be continuously exposed to dirty things in the bathroom, such as bacteria. Therefore, replace your toothbrush every three or four months.

5. Shower curtain

The shower curtain is sometimes skipped, but you also have to replace it every now and then. The shower curtain gets wet and dries again and again with bacteria in it. Therefore, wash it at least once a month and replace it if it no longer cleans properly.

6. Makeup sponges and brushes

Sponges and brushes that you use to apply makeup often last quite a long time, but you have to clean them regularly. They’re a hotbed for bacteria. To make them last half a year, wash them in warm water after use and then squeeze them well. Then massage the sponge or brush in with a mild makeup cleanser.

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Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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