
I participated in a video clip!

It won’t be a secret that I love music and am gutted most artists can’t do much now, in recording a video clip to publish their latest song. And I also think most of you know I love this band called Entail of Crow. I wrote a favourite post about them back in 2018. The reason I’m mentioning them now is that they asked me to participate in their video clip!

I’ve been a fan straight from the start. I’ve listened to all of their songs and was one of the people who got early access to their newest album. So, I was already aware of their song ‘Our Pilot.’ One day I got a dm on Instagram with the question if I, as a fan, wanted to participate in their fan-based video clip. I was honoured and said yes!

So, I recorded myself in my bedroom and took the clip. I send it to them and waited patiently for it to come out, which was yesterday. And honestly: the clip is amazing! There are so many amazing fans in there! The editing is so well done and I’m just really glad to see how the #CommasFamily comes together like that. I hope we can do something like this again in the future! Because I’d be totally down!

Anyway, here’s the link to the video! Can you spot me? 😉

Love, Deem ❤

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