
Life update: I’m officially a university senior now!

With my final grade in, it’s time for a new life update! How has my life been lately? What will the next and final year of university look like? Today, I’ll explain it all!

Year 2 completed

I, first of, want to start by saying that I’ve officially fulfilled year 2, meaning I’ve passed every single course of the year and have received the full 60 points needed to be able to say so. I had three electoral courses, meaning I have chosen them myself. One of them, my least favourite, one I absolutely hated and regretted having ever chosen, was Broken Images: Anglophone Modernism. I had to write two essays, one of which was a take-at-home exam. I scored a 6.3 on the essay that was linked to a workshop I had to do in class, and the exam one turned out to be a 6.5. This brings my overall score for the course at a 6.4, which is basically a mix of a meagre B and C in the US grading system. Next, we have the Vikings course I took, specially about pirates and poets in the British Isles during the Scandinavian invasion and raids. I scored an 8.4 on my presentation, which is a A+ in the US grading system, and a meagre 6.9 on my exam, which I’m still confused about because I truly believed it’d be way higher than that. That brings my overall grade course score to a 7.3, which is between a B+ and A. Lastly, I had American Literature and Social Justice, for which I scored a 9.5 on my exam, which is an A+ and an 8.2 on my essay, which is an A. My overall grade course score to a 9, which is an A+. Even though this was a very tough year in which I honestly thought I’d have to retake a course due to a teacher trying to ruin me, but it all worked out in the end, and I’m now safe. And I can thus say, with pure happiness and pleasure, that I’m going into my exam year and will thus officially be a senior! I did it!

What will happen in year 3?

So, once the summer break is over, I’ll have to do a minor, which I already signed up in May. A minor is basically a secondary academic discipline which may help you broaden or specify your expertise. So, I’ve chosen the minor called Classica and Ancient Civilizations, and I’m specifically focusing on the Roman excavations and archeology, including Latin, thereby dropping the possibility to choose the Greek path. I already know Latin quite well, which would make it a lot easier for me instead of having to learn a completely new language as I’ve never done any Greek before. Plus, I’ve always been a little more interested in the old Roman civilisation in comparison with Greek, considering I love gladiators and such. Not to say I don’t like the Greek gods when I like the Roman ones, but the gladiators man, they win. I will do this minor for 6 months, doing exams and stuff as if following normal courses, and then in the new year, I will have to do my thesis, which is basically a research paper based on original research. Or in my education’s case, an essay based on research involving a piece of literature, whether that be modern literature or older literature. I can choose both paths with the courses I’ve chosen over the last six months.

How about theatre?

I was participating in something called modules, which is basically an expansion upon your theatre skills, allowing you to do new things. I had chosen a specific module to end this theatre’s season, but I soon realised I felt really uncomfortable in this group of players. They were all a bit too handsy with each other and it made me so uncomfortable that I eventually didn’t want to perform alongside them anymore. So, I’ve announced to the trainer of that module that I wouldn’t come back for personal reasons (didn’t exactly want to tell in his face that the group kind of sucks) and said I’d see him again in the new season. However, they put me in the Thursday group, and with my new schedule, I most likely can’t make that, so I’ve opted for a transfer to one of the Wednesday groups, which they’ve been having trouble with. Well, it’s not my problem. I said I would maybe return as it was uncertain for me to be a complete yes, considering I’d have to await my new schedule, but they went on ahead and just put me in a group. So, yeah, if they can’t fix it, I can’t join theatre in the new season. Guess that’ll require an update somewhere in the near future.

Any holiday plans this summer?

As of right now, not that I know of, or at least nothing concrete. I’ve travelled to Paris in June, so I’m choosing to take that as a pre-holiday. I do have 2 concerts lined up in August, nothing in July though, and I’m hoping to finally meet up with some friends that I haven’t seen in 6 months, go to the cinema to watch films I couldn’t watch for 6 months, and hopefully go to a theme park or other fun outing. We’ll see how it goes, I’ll let myself be surprised!

Free Body of Water during Golden Hour Stock Photo

Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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