
Things you can clean with a dishwasher tablet

In every household with a dishwasher, you’ll find a supply of dishwasher tablets. Did you know that they can do more than just clean the dishes? You can also use such a tablet in the following ways! Get more worth for your money, in a sense!

  • Coffee maker: Dissolve a cleaning tablet in your coffee maker’s water tank to remove limescale and stains.
  • Kettle: Dissolve a tablet in water and leave it in the kettle to reduce limescale and clean the inside.
  • Dishwasher: Place a dishwasher tablet in the empty dishwasher and run it on a hot cycle to remove grease, limescale and odours.
  • Toilet: Drop a tablet in the toilet to reduce limescale and combat unwanted odours.
  • Floor drain: Throw a dishwasher tablet down the drain to prevent blockages and reduce unpleasant odours.
  • Washing machine: Dissolve a tablet in the empty washing machine and run a hot cycle to remove limescale and soap residue.
  • Bathroom accessories: Soak toothbrush holders, soap dispensers, and other bathroom accessories in soapy water with a dishwasher tablet to disinfect them.
  • Bottles and jugs: Fill bottles and jugs with water and dissolve a tablet to remove deposits and odours.
  • Glass teapot or coffee pot: Dissolve a tablet in warm water and soak it in a glass teapot or coffee pot to remove tarnish and stains.
  • Sponges and dishcloths: Soak sponges and dishcloths in a solution of water with a dishwasher tablet to disinfect them and remove odours.
  • Microwave: Dissolve a tablet in a bowl of water and heat it in the microwave to remove baked-on food residue and odours.
  • Refrigerator: Place a dissolved dishwasher tablet in a container in the refrigerator to absorb unpleasant odours and prevent mold from forming.
  • Carpet cleaning: Dissolve a tablet in warm water and use the solution to treat carpet stains.
  • Oven racks and baking trays: Soak oven racks and baking sheets in a solution of water with a cleaning tablet to remove grease and caked-on residue.
  • Bath toys: Soak children’s toys in a bucket of water with a dissolved dishwasher tablet to sanitise them and prevent mold.
  • Car wheels: Dissolve a tablet in a bucket of warm water and use the solution to clean car wheels and remove brake dust.
  • Floor tiles: Dissolve a tablet in a bucket of warm water and use the solution to mop floor tiles and reduce limescale.
  • Shower and bathroom tiles: Make a paste from a dissolved dishwasher tablet and water to remove stubborn soap scum and mold on tiles.
  • Sports bottles: Soak sports bottles in water with a dissolved tablet to remove odours and clean them thoroughly.
  • Outdoor furniture: Dissolve a tablet in a bucket of warm water and use the solution to clean and disinfect outdoor furniture.
Free Close-Up Photo Of Person Cleaning The Table Stock Photo

Love, Skye Lewis ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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