Tips & Tricks

Things you can eat and drink to reduce your period cramps/pain

You can do more than just use the right sanitary pad products to make that time of the month more comfortable. Period cramps can also get less bad if you eat the right things. Here’s a list of foods that’ll help settle your stomach during your time of the month!

  1. Dark chocolate

Now you don’t need an excuse to spoil yourself. Dark chocolate not only satiates your sweet tooth during your period, but it contains high amounts of potassium which helps your muscles function, ideal for when those cramps come.

2. Peanut butter

If that feeling of hunger suddenly increases, peanut butter is the perfect solution as a snack. A few spoonfuls alone are filled with protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Plus, peanut butter is full of vitamin E which helps with cramps and inflammation.

3. Eggs

Whether it’s a stir-fry or fried egg, eggs are an ideal way to fight PMS. Vitamins D, B6, and E have been proven to reduce symptoms, and eggs are full of them.

4. Green vegetables

There’s no better time to start a health kick than right before, or just after, your period. Green vegetables such as kale and broccoli are packed with calcium that reduces muscle tension during cramps.

Clear Glass Bottle Filled With Broccoli Shake

5. Ginger

It’s time to drink! Ginger helps soothe inflammation and pain associated with period cramps and has often been used for abdominal pain, a symptom many experience during this time of the month.

6. Pineapple

Manganese, copper, vitamins C, B1, B6, you name it. The vitamins in pineapple help to relax your muscles, an ideal solution to prevent period cramps.

7. Bananas

Bananas may be the solution to calm those period cramps. Packed with potassium, they help prevent muscle soreness and battle bloating. It really is a winner.

8. Salmon

If you’re still struggling with cramps, try adding salmon to your meals. To name a few benefits, salmon is rich in fatty acids that help with period cramps and is also a source of vitamin D that helps absorb calcium (a mineral that maintains muscles) and is also filled with B6 which helps with those mood swings.

9. Water

Water is essential for your body to function. But drinking even more water during this time of the month can help with bloating and cramping. If you’re not a fan of the taste, try infusing it with different fruits and herbs, such as lemon, strawberry, and mint.

Fruits Floating on Water

Love, Skye Lewis/Deem ❤

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Image source: Pexels

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