
Mistakes you make after working out!

You’ve just finished your ‘at home’ workout. You know, because you aren’t allowed to visit the gym just yet? Anyway, most people take a shower right away. However, did you know that there are other things you need to do before that? No worries, almost everyone makes the same mistakes!

1. Skip the cooling down

After an intense workout, it’s important for you to do a cooling down. Why? Because if you wouldn’t, your heart rate drops too quickly. That may cause dizziness and even cause you to faint. Now, I think I speak for everyone when I tell you that that’s the last thing you want to happen.

2. Not stretching before you begin

To avoid muscle pain, it’s important to stretch your muscles and limbs before you start working out. Why? Because your muscles will grow much faster and heal quicker. Plus, you’ll get much better results. So: don’t forget it!

3. Wrong food

After you’re done with your workout, there are specific kinds of food you should eat to reduce your muscle pain. Eat carbohydrates and proteins, for example, a boiled egg.

4. Drink too little water

Are you totally exhausted after your workout? That means you haven’t drunk enough water. It’s important to do so because it helps your muscles to recover and will lessen your muscle pain.

5. Keep wearing your workout clothes

Sure, your sports leggings might be very comfy, but it’s not supposed to be worn after your workout Why? Because it can cause infections (for females in the female parts) and that’s the last thing you want to happen.

How often do you workout?

Love, Deem ❤

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Image source: Pexels

24 thoughts on “Mistakes you make after working out!

  1. Eerlijk ik sport niet meer 🙂
    Natuurlijk mijn dagelijkse oefeningen yoga en wandelen. Maar dat noem ik echt geen sport. Heb lang genoeg aan sport gedaan ooit.

    Aum Shanthi

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This made me think about the fact that we should also do these things if we’re working in the yard. My wife and i have been digging up old trees and vines in the yard. Quite a workout. I bet if we stretched beforehand we’d have a lot less pain and ache afterwards. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

      1. We will try it out this weekend. I made some bread a few weeks ago, and kneaded it on a counter that was too high. My stomach muscles hurt incredibly that evening. Just made bread today on a different height counter, and after stretching a bit and we’ll see. Who thought you had to warm up before baking!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh that’s quite recognizable! Our counter is too low for me, since I’m quite tall. I always need to do a few exercises before I start cooking. So it’s honestly quite common!


  3. Thanks for the info, I love working out @home, I have my own homegym. Been training for years now and it makes me stronger, happy, fit and positive! And besides that, you look fitter and younger. Just give it a try! It will make you feel better💪🏽

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Biologische blije kip eieren, HEEURLIJK en voor de vegans, soja yoghurt (ook heel lekker trouwens). Om de dag of om de 2 dagen trainen houd je fit en positief. Houd wel rekening met je buren natuurlijk;)

    Liked by 1 person

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