
Are you creative and full of inspiration? Then you’ll recognize this!

Everyone is creative, in his or her own way. It doesn’t matter whether you’re artistic or not, every form of art matters. That’s why I’m honoured to be a member in such a creative community, where every form of art is accepted and where everyone matters. But anyway, I’m getting off topic. Let’s start with the list of recognizable artistic roots, shall we?

1. You don’t love just one, but multiple projects

Whether it’s drawing, painting, knitting, writing or photography, you love everything as an artist. You’re fully drawn into your own story, but also find it hard to quit painting once you’ve started. And say, someone heads over to you with a splendid new idea – say making your own clothes – you won’t back off and take the opportunity with both hands.

2. Your fantasy is endless

A big advantage of being artistic, is having an endless amount of fantasy. As soon as you think about one of your projects, you can see it developing right in front of you. Same goes for whenever you read a book: you don’t need movies to show you the story, you can see the image in front of you. And not to mention your own dreams: they’re crazy and very creative!

3. Every idea turns into a new project

You find a stall in Morocco while you’re travelling, filled with carpets. You’d rather start knitting your own. You see a photo in someone else’s house, hanging on the wall. You’d rather take your camera and become a photographer. You see a bullet journal video and immediately gather your own pens and pencils to create your own. It doesn’t matter what the occasion is: you’ll find creativity influences wherever you are. And you love having them!

4. You can’t do just one thing

Sometimes – well, mostly – this ends in you working on too many projects at once. You start one thing, but start a new thing the next day, while working on the one from yesterday. Then you add another project to the mix, about a week later. Your house is filled with paint, wool, crayons and other creative utensils. One advantage though: you’ll never be bored!

5. You don’t finish it all

Which of course totally fits your schedule of endless projects: you find it hard to finish something. The painting you started, still misses a lot of green paint. And your shirt that you started knitting, still misses both sleeves. You find it hard to keep focused on one of your projects, seeing as you have many ideas in mind. But, one advantage of being this artistic: there’ll always be a new project waiting for you!

6. Chaotic head

All those ideas, that huge amount of fantasy and every project you’re working on: it can all cause your head to ‘explode.’ It’s a challenge to keep your thoughts in the same spot, and let’s be honest: scheduling isn’t your strength. Though, you can perfectly settle that with your creativity!

7. You’ll always keep yourself busy

You don’t have to be bored: like never. You know why? Because you’ve got enough to do! Even when you’re doing other things, (like working or studying) you’re working on your own creative projects: unknowingly! And while everyone else is bored, (like during the quarantaine we’re all in) you’ll have something to keep yourself busy with! Isn’t that great?

On a scale of 1 to 10: how creative/artistic are you?

Love, Deem ❤

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Images source: Pexels


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